
Sunday 20 October 2013


Early September 2013, I decided to revisit Mablethorpe, 50 years on, don't time fly! On a blustery day, but not to cold, would you believe it, the donkeys are still there, they brought back many memories. I met a couple in the car park, all excited about visiting Mablethorpe, they said they were revisiting, but had not left it as long as I had.

                                                                  Same names but different donkeys ?

My Grandma & Grandad way back in 1963 at Mablethorpe. Grandad had just been for a paddle. It was a  day out organised by Grandad's church. All the family were there. That's my tin bucket & spade, all plastic now. It was such a hot day.

                                                           50 years on and the beach is deserted.                          

Those windmills weren't there 50 years ago, only mine in the sand. Happy days.

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