I visited Ipswich's Transport Museum while on a mini break staying with my Nephew & Niece at their new home in Ipswich on very pleasant day in October last year. Not knowing what I would find there, as I had only briefly checked opening times, I was wowed & amazed by the number & variation of buses, vehicles & other displays on offer to see. I originally only set-out an hour to see this museum, but in the end & including a cup of Rosie Lee & a slice of cake, I was there for three hours & I don't think that I saw everything in detail even then. So if you are a transport buff or just like re-living days gone-by then put this museum on your must visit list. There are vehicles which are in the process of being restored to see & don't miss out on seeing the flat capped owner of the bike repair shop, who made me smile & brought memories flooding back of my dad repairing his bikes, Happy Days !
You will be welcomed by very pleasant guides who are always on hand to give you information on any of the displays. You can go & sit inside the buses & one bus has a video playing old street footage of trams & buses, hence the need to allow plenty of time to visit this great museum. All vehicles have information boards to read & you will see from the small selection of my photos included in this post from the very many taken that day, that there is a lot to see & do.
I had to add this poster which is in one of the buses because of the sinister grumpy look on the old lady's face, she should be smiling & thanking her fellow travellers for letting her board the bus first & check out that ghetto-blaster the young man is carrying, it's got to be the 1980's !
Here is the link to the Museum for you to check their 2019 opening times & very reasonable entry prices (£5.50 per adult, £3.50 children & £5 concessions/students), so there's no excuse not to sample a slice of their wonderful cakes !!!
I had such a great day there that if I am in Ipswich again, I will certainly pay the museum another visit.